
Q. What is amendment procedure in India? What are the main contents of 73 amendment? How many amendments have been done in Indian Constitution? [BPSC-2002]

Q. What is amendment procedure in India? What are the main contents of 73 amendment? How many amendments have been done in Indian Constitution? [BPSC-2002]The amendment procedure in India:Like any other written Constitution, the Constitution of India also provides for its amendment in order to adjust itself to the changing conditions and needs. However, the …

Q. What is amendment procedure in India? What are the main contents of 73 amendment? How many amendments have been done in Indian Constitution? [BPSC-2002] Read More »

Q. Describe the objectives and features of the Panchayat Raj in India. [BPSC-1993]

Q. Describe the objectives and features of the Panchayat Raj in India. [BPSC-1993]The term Panchayati Raj in India signifies the system of rural local self government.  The term ‘Panchayati’ literally means Assembly (yat) of Five (panch) wise and respected elders chosen and accepted by the village community. Traditionally, they settled disputes which take place between individuals …

Q. Describe the objectives and features of the Panchayat Raj in India. [BPSC-1993] Read More »

Q. What is the meaning of “Parliamentary Sovereignty”? Do you consider Indian Parliament a “Sovereign” or a non-sovereign’ or both? Give your views. [BPSC-1995]

Q. What is the meaning of “Parliamentary Sovereignty”? Do you consider Indian Parliament a “Sovereign” or a non-sovereign’ or both? Give your views. [BPSC-1995]Parliamentary sovereignty (also called parliamentary supremacy) is a concept in the constitutional law of some parliamentary democracies. It holds that the legislative body has absolute sovereignty and is supreme over all other …

Q. What is the meaning of “Parliamentary Sovereignty”? Do you consider Indian Parliament a “Sovereign” or a non-sovereign’ or both? Give your views. [BPSC-1995] Read More »

Q. What is judicial review ? Critically examine about the doctrine of basic structure as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [BPSC-2016]

Q. What is judicial review ? Critically examine about the doctrine of basic structure as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [2016]Judicial review is the power of the judiciary to examine the constitutionality of legislative enactments and executive orders of both the Central and State governments. On examination, if they are found to be …

Q. What is judicial review ? Critically examine about the doctrine of basic structure as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [BPSC-2016] Read More »

Q. What is the difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism? Critically discuss the doctrine of ‘basic structure’ as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [2019]

Q. What is the difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism? Critically discuss the doctrine of ‘basic structure’ as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [2019] Ans:The concepts of constitution and constitutionalism refer to the legal framework of a country. The constitution is defined as the “supreme law of a country”. It lays down the basic …

Q. What is the difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism? Critically discuss the doctrine of ‘basic structure’ as enunciated by the Supreme Court of India. [2019] Read More »

Q. “The Indian Constitution postulates in its Preamble that India shall be a socialist, secular, democratic republic.” What are the constitutional provisions to enforce this declaration? [BPSC-2019]

Q. “The Indian Constitution postulates in its Preamble that India shall be a socialist, secular, democratic republic.” What are the constitutional provisions to enforce this declaration? [BPSC-2019] Ans:The preamble of the constitution contain the summary or essence of the constitution. N A Palkhivala, a constitutional expert called it ‘identity card of the Constitution.’ Among other things …

Q. “The Indian Constitution postulates in its Preamble that India shall be a socialist, secular, democratic republic.” What are the constitutional provisions to enforce this declaration? [BPSC-2019] Read More »

RPSC Mains Syllabus

Rajasthan Public Service Commission Mains Syllabus History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of Rajasthan  Major Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, their Administrative and Revenue System. Socio-cultural Issues.  Freedom Movement, Political Awakening and Integration  Salient features of Architecture – Forts and Monuments  Arts, Paintings and Handicrafts.  Important …

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BPSC Preliminary Exam Syllabus

PRELIMINARY TEST COMPULSORY SUBJECT GENERAL STUDIES. The paper on General Studies will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge:- General Science Current events of national and international importance. History of India and salient features of the history of Bihar. General Geography and geographical division of Bihar and its major river systems. Indian Polity and …

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UPPSC Preliminary Exam Syllabus

General Studies Paper I Syllabus Current events of national and international importance On Current Events of National and International Importance, candidates will be expected to know about them. History of India & Indian National Movement In History, emphasis should be on broad understanding social, economic and political aspects of Indian History. In the Indian National …

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