
MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- IV

FOURTH PAPER PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION UNIT-I Philosophers/Thinkers, Social Reformers:- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Mahavir, Buddha, Acharya Shankar, Charwak, GuruNanak, Kabir, Tulsidas, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Savitribai Phule, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Maharshi Arvind and Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan. UNIT-II  Attitude: Content, Elements, Function Formation of Attitude, Attitudinal Change, Persuasive Communication, Prejudice …

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- IV Read More »

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- III

THIRD PAPER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I  Work, Power and Energy- Gravitational Force, Friction, Atmospheric Pressure and Work.  Units and Measurement, Example from daily life.  Speed, Velocity , Acceleration  Sound:- Definition, Medium of Propagation, Audible and Inaudible sound, Noise and Music. Terminology related with Sound:- Amplitude, Wave Length, Frequency ofVibration.  Electricity:- …

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- III Read More »

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- II

SECOND PAPER (PART-A) PAPER-II GENERAL STUDIES Constitution, Governance, Political and Administrative Structure UNIT-I  Constitution of India:- Its Foundation, characteristics, Basic Structure and important amendments.  Conceptual elements:- Objectives, fundamental rights and duties, directive principle of state policy.  Federalism, Central:- State Relations, Supreme Court, High Court, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Lok Adalat and Public …

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- II Read More »

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- I

PAPER I -GENERAL STUDIES FIRST PAPER (PART-A) HISTORY History and Culture UNIT- I Indian History:- Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of India from Harappan civilization to 10th Century A.D. UNIT- II  Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of India from 11th to 18th Century A.D. Mugal rulers and their administration, Emergence of composite …

MPPSC Mains Syllabus: General Studies- I Read More »

Q. Write short notes on: Santhal Uprising. [67th BPSC]. Evaluate the causes and results of Revolt of Santhal (1855-56) in Bihar. (63 BPSC/2019) OR Discuss the main causes of the Santhal Uprising. What were its consequences? (56-59 BPSC/2016) OR Discuss the causes and results of revolt of santhals (1855-56) in Bihar. (48-52 BPSC/2009) OR “Santhal Uprising provides a model of popular armed resistance against British colonialism in India”. Explain. (45 BPSC/2002) OR The Santhal Uprising was the first fierce reaction of the tribals against British colonial rule in India’. Elucidate. (43 BPSC/2001)

Q. Write short notes on: Santhal Uprising. [67th BPSC] Evaluate the causes and results of Revolt of Santhal (1855-56) in Bihar. (63 BPSC/2019) OR Discuss the main causes of the Santhal Uprising. What were its consequences? (56-59 BPSC/2016) OR Discuss the causes and results of revolt of santhals (1855-56) in Bihar. (48-52 BPSC/2009) OR “Santhal …

Q. Write short notes on: Santhal Uprising. [67th BPSC]. Evaluate the causes and results of Revolt of Santhal (1855-56) in Bihar. (63 BPSC/2019) OR Discuss the main causes of the Santhal Uprising. What were its consequences? (56-59 BPSC/2016) OR Discuss the causes and results of revolt of santhals (1855-56) in Bihar. (48-52 BPSC/2009) OR “Santhal Uprising provides a model of popular armed resistance against British colonialism in India”. Explain. (45 BPSC/2002) OR The Santhal Uprising was the first fierce reaction of the tribals against British colonial rule in India’. Elucidate. (43 BPSC/2001) Read More »

Q. Describe the fundamental duties as enumerated in the Constitution of India. [1993]

The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired by the Constitution of erstwhile USSR. It is based on the idea that the citizen’s exercise of their rights and freedoms was inseparable from the performance of their duties and obligations.The fundamental duties was not mentioned in the original constitution as the framers of constitution didn’t …

Q. Describe the fundamental duties as enumerated in the Constitution of India. [1993] Read More »

Q. Examine the main features of Foreign Policy of Jawaharlal Nehru. (60-62 BPSC/2019)

Nehru  is called the architect of India’s foreign policy. Evolution of his foreign policy started even before Independence when he headed the foreign department of Indian National Congress formed in 1928. It was mainly due to Nehru’s efforts that since the mid-twenties the Congress party began to take interest in international affairs. He kept a …

Q. Examine the main features of Foreign Policy of Jawaharlal Nehru. (60-62 BPSC/2019) Read More »

Q. Examine the main features of Foreign Policy of Jawaharlal Nehru. (60-62 BPSC/2019)

Nehru  is called the architect of India’s foreign policy. Evolution of his foreign policy started even before Independence when he headed the foreign department of Indian National Congress formed in 1928. It was mainly due to Nehru’s efforts that since the mid-twenties the Congress party began to take interest in international affairs. He kept a …

Q. Examine the main features of Foreign Policy of Jawaharlal Nehru. (60-62 BPSC/2019) Read More »

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