66th BPSC: Solution Full Test 3 (Test num-7) [GS-1]
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Q. Write a short note on the origin of Covid-19. How 2nd wave of covid 19 was different from the first in symptom, spread and impact?Ans:The origin of Covid-19: Recently, a group of 18 scientists, most of them from the U.S published a letter in the journal Science, calling for further investigation to determine the …
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Q. Critically analyse how the 1991-92 economic reforms have transformed Indian economy during last 30 years. [66th BPSC: Expected question]Ans:During the 1991-92 economic reforms neo-liberal polices were introduced by the government. The central point of the reforms was liberalization of the economy, simplifying regulations, giving more role to the private sector and opening up of …
Q. Analyse the significance of caste in determining the electoral outcome in Indian election. To what extent did caste play role in 2020 Bihar election?Ans:Caste affect electoral politics in India at all levels and elections in turn have redefined the meaning of caste. The ability of caste leaders to acquire power by the means of …
Q. What are the factors and consequences of deterioration of parliament’s functioning in India? Suggest measures to improve the Parliamentary Functioning.Ans:Parliament is a representative institution responsible for keeping the government accountable as in parliamentry democracy the executive is collectively responsible to the legislature.However, in recent years there is a debate regarding the declining standards of …
Disaster Management Introduction: The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations not only emphasize on the need to protect and conserve natural resources of the environment, but also to sustain and develop the vulnerable communities through building resilience during calamities and disasters. The Roadmap for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) provides a set of guidelines for …
Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-IV Read More »
Environmental Pollution In the pursuit for higher economic growth and human development, several externalities arise leading to potential conflict in ensuring a healthy natural environment. Given that there is a limit to extraction of the natural capital, the undue extraction of natural resources to meet the growing needs of the population, industries, and other economic …
Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-III Read More »
Forest Resources The forests play a key role in maintaining ecological stability, providing habitat to wildlife and biodiversity, regulating climate and hydrological cycles. They affect various aspects of human and animal life. In their productive role, forests provide a variety of products such as timber, firewood, and fodder, which are beneficial to humanity. They offer …
Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-II Read More »
Environment, Climate change and Disaster management in Bihar Abstract: In the last few decades, Bihar has witnessed immense population growth, accompanied with double-digit economic growth, necessitating the increased extraction of the natural resources. Forestry and logging contributed to nearly 1.2 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) in Bihar, growing at a rate of …
Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-I Read More »