
Q. Evaluate the nature and significance of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. [2002] OR Examine the relevance and significance of the philosophy enshrined in the preamble of the constitution of India. [1999]

Q. Evaluate the nature and significance of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. [2002] OR Examine the relevance and significance of the philosophy enshrined in the preamble of the constitution of India. [1999]Ans:The preamble of the constitution contain the summary or essence of the constitution. A Palkhivala, a constituional expert called it ‘identity card of the …

Q. Evaluate the nature and significance of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. [2002] OR Examine the relevance and significance of the philosophy enshrined in the preamble of the constitution of India. [1999] Read More »

Q. Examine the power and working of the Election Commission of India and its role in free and fair election. [BPSC-2012] OR Critically examine the role of Election Commission of India in the conduct of free and fair election. What purpose does the. Electoral Identity Card serve in this regard? [BPSC-2019]

Q. Examine the power and working of the Election Commission of India and its role in free and fair election. [BPSC-2012] OR Critically examine the role of Election Commission of India in the conduct of free and fair election. What purpose does the. Electoral Identity Card serve in this regard? [BPSC-2019] Ans: Election Commission of …

Q. Examine the power and working of the Election Commission of India and its role in free and fair election. [BPSC-2012] OR Critically examine the role of Election Commission of India in the conduct of free and fair election. What purpose does the. Electoral Identity Card serve in this regard? [BPSC-2019] Read More »

Q. भारतीय राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव की प्रणाली की जांच करें [BPSC-1997] Examine the system of election of the Indian President [BPSC-1997]

Q. भारतीय राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव की प्रणाली की जांच करें [BPSC-1997] Examine the system of election of the Indian President [BPSC-1997] In Hindi: राष्ट्रपति भारतीय राज्य का प्रमुख होता है। वह भारत के पहले नागरिक हैं और राष्ट्र की एकता, अखंडता और एकजुटता के प्रतीक के रूप में कार्य करते हैं। कला 54 (निर्वाचक मंडल की रचना) …

Q. भारतीय राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव की प्रणाली की जांच करें [BPSC-1997] Examine the system of election of the Indian President [BPSC-1997] Read More »

प्र. चुनाव एक लोकतंत्र के दिल की धड़कन की तरह हैं। यदि वे बहुत तेजी से या बहुत अनियमित रूप से होते हैं, तो लोकतंत्र ध्वस्त हो जाता है। “भारत के राजनीति के संदर्भ में मध्यावधि चुनावों पर अपने विचार बताएं। [2007] Q. Elections are like the heart beats of a democracy. If they happen too fast or too irregularly, democracy collapses. “Explain your views on mid-term polls in context of India Politics. [2007]

प्र. चुनाव एक लोकतंत्र के दिल की धड़कन की तरह हैं। यदि वे बहुत तेजी से या बहुत अनियमित रूप से होते हैं, तो लोकतंत्र ध्वस्त हो जाता है। “भारत के राजनीति के संदर्भ में मध्यावधि चुनावों पर अपने विचार बताएं। [2007]  Q. Elections are like the heart beats of a democracy. If they happen …

प्र. चुनाव एक लोकतंत्र के दिल की धड़कन की तरह हैं। यदि वे बहुत तेजी से या बहुत अनियमित रूप से होते हैं, तो लोकतंत्र ध्वस्त हो जाता है। “भारत के राजनीति के संदर्भ में मध्यावधि चुनावों पर अपने विचार बताएं। [2007] Q. Elections are like the heart beats of a democracy. If they happen too fast or too irregularly, democracy collapses. “Explain your views on mid-term polls in context of India Politics. [2007] Read More »

Q. What do you understand by election campaign? Throw light on the important methods of election campaign in Bihar. [BPSC-2005]

Q. What do you understand by election campaign? Throw light on the important methods of election campaign in Bihar. [BPSC-2005]The election campaign is an organized effort by the political parties and candidates to influence and persuade people to vote for their candidates and parties. In our country the official campaign lasts at least two weeks …

Q. What do you understand by election campaign? Throw light on the important methods of election campaign in Bihar. [BPSC-2005] Read More »

Q. Discuss the role of bureaucracy in conducting free and fair elections under the guidance of Election commission of India. [BPSC-2005]

Q. Discuss the role of bureaucracy in conducting free and fair elections under the guidance of Election commission of India. [BPSC-2005] Ans:The bureaucracy is the administrative machinery staffed by non-elected permanent executives. These are the trained and skilled officers who work as permanent employees of the government are assigned the task of assisting the ministers …

Q. Discuss the role of bureaucracy in conducting free and fair elections under the guidance of Election commission of India. [BPSC-2005] Read More »

Q. Comment on ‘Election Commission of India’. [2002]

Q. Comment on ‘Election Commission of India’. [2002] Election Commission of India is a permanent and an independent body under ART 324. It is an all-India body in the sense that it is common to both the Central government and the state governments. Responsibilities: Art 324 provides that the power of superintendence, direction and control …

Q. Comment on ‘Election Commission of India’. [2002] Read More »

Q. Comment on ‘Electoral process in Bihar’. [BPSC-2001]

Q. Comment on ‘Electoral process in Bihar’. [BPSC-2001] Ans: Elections in Bihar is conducted in accordance with the Constitution of India (Art 324 to 329). The Assembly of Bihar creates laws regarding the conduct of local body elections unilaterally while any changes by the state legislature to the conduct of state level elections need to …

Q. Comment on ‘Electoral process in Bihar’. [BPSC-2001] Read More »

Q. Analyze the functioning of the rural local governments in India since 1991 with special reference to Bihar. [BPSC-2009]

Q. Analyze the functioning of the rural local governments in India since 1991 with special reference to Bihar. [BPSC-2009] In 1991, the government had introduced a constitutional amendment bill in the Lok Sabha. This bill finally emerged as the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 and came into force on 24 April, 1993. The act gives …

Q. Analyze the functioning of the rural local governments in India since 1991 with special reference to Bihar. [BPSC-2009] Read More »

Q. Describe the basic provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. [BPSC-2005]

Q. Describe the basic provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. [BPSC-2005] 73rd amendment act was enacted in 1992 and came into force in 1993.. Through this amendment the Panchayati Raj was constitutionalised. This act fulfills an imperative need to provide certain basic and essential characteristics of the Panchayati Raj bodies in constitution to give …

Q. Describe the basic provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. [BPSC-2005] Read More »

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