Role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges


  • Social media refers to internet based communication among people who create, share and exchange their ideas, photos, videos and information on virtual cyber platform.
  • Its reach and popularity among people has rapidly increased over the last few years, primarily due to a sharp rise in the number of internet users and cell phone users. It is claimed that people spent more than 20% of the time spent on internet on social media.
  • People freely exercise their right to express on social media as well as they get access to faster information and knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is power. Social media includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blogs, new microblogging sites, etc.
  • Social Media is a new form of media. It is different from traditional media in the following ways:
    • It rapidly passes information to its users. It is distinct from traditional media because it provides real time communication of information.
      • Information on social media is widely spread within a very short time so its impact is much far than traditional print and electronic media and also far than traditional modes for communication, like telephone, postal and face-to-face communication.
    • Traditional print media and electronic media are controlled by big media houses.
      • Their control is limited to a selected few. So they exercise their monopoly by influencing the masses, elections and politics through modified distorted version of news items.
      • But social media is in the hands of people. It cannot be controlled by any individual or any group. So, social media has broken the monopoly of big media houses. Social media has ensured a greater transparency in traditional media. In fact, electronic media and print media are also becoming available on social media now. 
    • Traditional media provides one-way communication. It only provides information to users but people discuss and debate on current issues. important policies, etc. on the social media.
      • So, social media has not only enhanced transparency and accountability of the government, it has also made our democracy more participatory. It has developed a culture of debate that is the most important requirement for strengthening any democracy.
  • Negative Usage of Social Media:
    • Riots
    • Misinformation
    • Terrorism, anti-national activities
    • False opinion building
    • Addiction
    • Inciting communal violence
  • Positive Usage of Social Media:
    • Social awareness
    • Cheapest and fastest form of communication
    • Spread of social activism like movements against corruption and sexual harassment (e.g. Me too) etc.
    • Promoting a culture of debate and discussion Breaking the monopoly of big media houses
    • Participatory democracy

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