[Topper’s interview] HARSH (Rank-48/BPSC-66th)

Crackingcivilservices.com’s Interview of successful candidates


Profile of the Candidate:

Rank in 66th BPSC 48
Roll Number 137456
Age 30
Total attempts in BPSC (including present one) 2
Medium in mains examination (Hindi/English) ENGLISH
Marks in General Studies papers (Mention marks in both GS Paper I and II) GS I= 192

GS II= 133

Marks in General Studies papers in previous attempts (Mention marks in both GS Paper I and II) NONE
Optional Subject GEOGRAPHY
Home town/village PATNA
Any past Work-experience NIL
Were you preparing full time or working and preparing? FULL TIME
Your place of preparation PATNA
Details of other success and failure in competitive exams Failed in UPSC several times at different stages
Details of coaching/ test series/ study material of any coaching used for General studies Crackingcivilservices.com

Vision ias current affairs magazine

Educational Background:


Percentage marks in class X 95
Percentage marks in class XII 77
Name of the subject in Graduation course and percentage marks B.Tech, 71%
Name of college of graduation and place PATNA
Passing out year 2015
Post-graduation if any None


Tell us something about yourself.


Ans:- I have done my schooling in English medium from one of the top schools of Patna.After graduation,I pursued my passion of Startup and later on started preparing for Civil Services.


Questions related to your preparation:

Why did you choose civil services as your career and when did you first decide to appear in BPSC?

Ans:- Civil services offers “Diversity” of exposure wrt Work type ranging from General Administration to Policy making at the highest levels.

I first decided to appear in BPSC in 2019-2020.


Mention booklist and sources which you followed for mains General studies papers (section wise). Also add about your strategy for different sections of both GS papers.

Ans:- GS1: History- crackingcivilservices.com ; IR- Vision IAS current affairs magazine, Statistics- online material of Bank exams,PYQ of BPSC

GS2:- Polity- Laxmikant book, crackingcivilservices.com;

Economy &Geography- For Economy,crackingcivilservices.com and Bihar Economic Survey and Bihar Budget  (whereas Geography is my optional);

Science and Technology section- crackingcivilservices.com,Vision ias monthly current affairs magazine


Did you do answer writing regularly? If yes, what amount of time you devoted to it and how did it help you?

Yes,I did answer writing regularly on a daily basis when Mains exam was near.

Time devoted daily= 40 minutes to 1 hour daily.It helped me immensely in proper structuring of answer.

Did you maintain self-notes? If yes, how did it help you?

Ans:- Yes,,but only for International Relations(IR) since it is a very dynamic topic.Making notes in IR helps you to understand the ‘past,present and future’ of any diplomatic relations that India has with another country.

How previous years questions helped in exam?

Ans:- Very much.In fact,PYQ is the backbone of Civil Services preparation.And this is where “crackingcivilservices.com” played major role by providing “Model Answers” for PYQ of BPSC Mains.

How did crackingcivilservices.com benefitted you in your preparation of General Studies papers?

Ans- Already answered Above.”Crackingcivilservices.com” is more than enough for both GS-1 and GS-2.Its Model answers are very comprehensive.

NO need of any study material for GS apart from the content being provided by “crackingcivilservices.com”.However,for current affairs,one needs to read one Newspaper and follow one monthly Current affairs magazine.


Any specific thing you want to share about your strategy for different sections of General Studies papers?

Ans:- Practice Answer writing,Especially in Polity section and Economy section of GS-2.This is because these have dynamic questions and thus answers to them must be written by properly linking Static theory to Current Affairs.

What were the major questions asked in your Interview? If you can give brief overview of your interview?

Ans:- I don’t remember much.But mostly questions related to Geography(my optional),S&T,Environment and Hobbies were asked to me.

What challenges did you face during your preparation journey?

Ans- Boosting self-morale after repeated failures and keeping myself motivated was the biggest challenge I faced during my preparation Journey.


Any message about the other aspirants?

Ans- Hard Work and Persistence is the key. Believe in yourself and Always have POSITIVE Attitude.

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