Q. Write short notes on: The Dalit Movement in Bihar. [65th BPSC-2020]

Q. Write short notes on: The Dalit Movement in Bihar. [65th BPSC-2020] Ans: Dalit movement is the organizational or institutional efforts made for the liberation and uplifting of the downtrodden masses who were traditionally subjected to invidious discriminations on grounds of untouchability, and categorized as the untouchables, depressed classes or Scheduled Castes. It is also …

Q. Write short notes on: The Dalit Movement in Bihar. [65th BPSC-2020] Read More »

Q. Write short notes on: Working Class and National Movement. [64th BPSC/2018]

Q. Write short notes on: Working Class and National Movement. [64th BPSC/2018]Ans:In 2nd half of 19th century, the gradual industrialisation of India created an industrial working class. The growth of tea plantations, the beginning of an infant iron and steel industry, railway construction, Mining, and growth of the jute industry and the cotton industry led …

Q. Write short notes on: Working Class and National Movement. [64th BPSC/2018] Read More »

Q. Describe the contribution of Bihar in the individual satyagraha of 1940-41. [53-55 BPSC/2012]

Q. Describe the contribution of Bihar in the individual satyagraha of 1940-41. [53-55 BPSC/2012]Ans:Post failure of August offer, the patience of both the Congress leadership and the masses was getting exhausted. The Government refused to budge and took up the position that no constitutional advance could be made till the Congress came to an agreement …

Q. Describe the contribution of Bihar in the individual satyagraha of 1940-41. [53-55 BPSC/2012] Read More »

Q. Write a note on Swami Sahajanand and the Kisan Sabha Movement. [65th BPSC-2020]

Q. Write a note on Swami Sahajanand and the Kisan Sabha Movement. [65th BPSC-2020] Ans:The 1930s witnessed to a new and nation-wide awakening of Indian peasants to organize for the betterment of their living conditions. Sahajanand Saraswati, an ascetic, played a pivotal role in peasant movement in Bihar and India during this time. ©crackingcivilservices.com The Kisan …

Q. Write a note on Swami Sahajanand and the Kisan Sabha Movement. [65th BPSC-2020] Read More »

Q. What were the causes of the Revolt of 1857? What effect did it have on Bihar? [65th BPSC-2020]

Q. What were the causes of the Revolt of 1857? What effect did it have on Bihar? [65th BPSC-2020] ©crackingcivilservices.comAns: The revolt of 1857 shook the British empire in India to it’s very foundations. It was cumulative effect of British expansionist policies, economic exploitation and administrative innovations which over the years had adversely affected the …

Q. What were the causes of the Revolt of 1857? What effect did it have on Bihar? [65th BPSC-2020] Read More »

Describe the people’s participation in Bihar during the Quit India Movement of 1942. (60-62 BPSC/2019) OR Describe the contribution of Bihar to the quit India movement of 1942. (48-52, BPSC/2009) OR Analyze the nature and extent of quit India movement with special reference to Bihar. (44 BPSC/2002) OR Discuss the impact of the quit India Movement on Bihar. (41 BPSC/1997)

Q. Describe the people’s participation in Bihar during the Quit India Movement of 1942. (60-62 BPSC/2019) OR Describe the contribution of Bihar to the quit India movement of 1942. (48-52, BPSC/2009) OR Analyze the nature and extent of quit India movement with special reference to Bihar. (44 BPSC/2002) OR Discuss the impact of the quit …

Describe the people’s participation in Bihar during the Quit India Movement of 1942. (60-62 BPSC/2019) OR Describe the contribution of Bihar to the quit India movement of 1942. (48-52, BPSC/2009) OR Analyze the nature and extent of quit India movement with special reference to Bihar. (44 BPSC/2002) OR Discuss the impact of the quit India Movement on Bihar. (41 BPSC/1997) Read More »

Q. What role did the ‘Azad Dasta’ play in Bihar during the quit India movement? [40 BPSC/1995]

Q. What role did the ‘Azad Dasta’ play in Bihar during the quit India movement? [40 BPSC/1995]Ans:  Quit India Movement also called the ‘August Revolution’ was launched in August 1942.  In this struggle, the common people of the country, including Bihar,  demonstrated an unparalleled heroism and militancy. Azad Dasta came into existence and played an …

Q. What role did the ‘Azad Dasta’ play in Bihar during the quit India movement? [40 BPSC/1995] Read More »

Q. Write short notes on: Champaran Satyagraha. [67th BPSC]. Describe the causes and results of Champaran Satyagraha in Bihar (1917). [63 BPSC/2019] OR “Champaran Satyagraha is a watershed in the freedom struggle.” Elucidate. (64th BPSC/2018) OR Do you agree with the view that the Champaran satyagraha was a turrning point in the history of freedom struggle in India? (47, BPSC/2007) OR The Champaran Satyagraha is an important milestone in the history of freedom movement of India. Elucidate. (42 BPSC/1999) OR What was the significance of Champaran Satyagraha for Peasant Uprisings? (56-59 BPSC/2016)

Q. Write short notes on: Champaran Satyagraha. [67th BPSC] Describe the causes and results of Champaran Satyagraha in Bihar (1917). [63 BPSC/2019] OR “Champaran Satyagraha is a watershed in the freedom struggle.” Elucidate. [64th BPSC/2018] OR Do you agree with the view that the Champaran satyagraha was a turrning point in the history of freedom …

Q. Write short notes on: Champaran Satyagraha. [67th BPSC]. Describe the causes and results of Champaran Satyagraha in Bihar (1917). [63 BPSC/2019] OR “Champaran Satyagraha is a watershed in the freedom struggle.” Elucidate. (64th BPSC/2018) OR Do you agree with the view that the Champaran satyagraha was a turrning point in the history of freedom struggle in India? (47, BPSC/2007) OR The Champaran Satyagraha is an important milestone in the history of freedom movement of India. Elucidate. (42 BPSC/1999) OR What was the significance of Champaran Satyagraha for Peasant Uprisings? (56-59 BPSC/2016) Read More »

Q. Critically examine the significance of the Revolt of 1857 with special reference to Bihar. [56-59 BPSC/2016]

Q. Critically examine the significance of the Revolt of 1857 with special reference to Bihar. [56-59 BPSC/2016]Ans:  The revolt of 1857 shook the British empire in India to it’s very foundations. It was cumulative effect of British expansionist policies, economic exploitation and administrative innovations which over the years had adversely affected the position of all …

Q. Critically examine the significance of the Revolt of 1857 with special reference to Bihar. [56-59 BPSC/2016] Read More »

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