
67th BPSC: Daily Problem practice for GS- [History: Day-4]

Q. Discuss the development of Western education in Bihar from 1813 to 1947. [38 Marks] NOTE: All those enrolled can send their answers for evaluation in PDF format after scanning (you can use any scanner app) on crackingcs2021@gmail.com Name your file as your name and day. For example, if your name is Ashok Kumar and …

67th BPSC: Daily Problem practice for GS- [History: Day-4] Read More »

Q. What were the causes of the santhal revolt? What were its course and outcome? [66th-BPSC-2021]

Q. What were the causes of the santhal revolt? What were its course and outcome? [66th-BPSC-2021] Ans: The Santhals lived scattered in various districts of Bihar and Bengal in eastern India. like Barabhum, Chota Nagpur, Purulia, Palamau, Hazaribagh, Dumka, Bankura and Birbhum etc. The area of maximum concentration of Santhals was called Daman-i-koh or Santhal …

Q. What were the causes of the santhal revolt? What were its course and outcome? [66th-BPSC-2021] Read More »

Q. “Champaran Satyagraha was watershed in the freedom struggle.” Explain. [67th BPSC/2021]

Q. “Champaran Satyagraha was watershed in the freedom struggle.” Explain. [67th BPSC/2021] Ans: Champaran district of Bihar attained prominence in the freedom struggle of the country as Gandhiji, in 1917, after his returning from South Africa, chose it for experimenting with his Satyagraha as the weapon of mass movement. Unlike the earlier peasant movements like …

Q. “Champaran Satyagraha was watershed in the freedom struggle.” Explain. [67th BPSC/2021] Read More »

66th BPSC: Daily Problem practice Solution for Science&Tech (Day-4)

Q. COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented devastation worldwide. However, technological advancements are being availed readily to win over the crisis. Give an account of how technology was sought to aid management of the pandemic.Ans: Covid-19 pandemic is a far greater social, economic, and political phenomenon than merely a biomedical one. Due to its ability to …

66th BPSC: Daily Problem practice Solution for Science&Tech (Day-4) Read More »

Q. Write a short note on the origin of Covid-19. How 2nd wave of covid 19 was different from the first in symptom, spread and impact? [66th BPSC: Expected question]

Q. Write a short note on the origin of Covid-19. How 2nd wave of covid 19 was different from the first in symptom, spread and impact?Ans:The origin of Covid-19: Recently, a group of 18 scientists, most of them from the U.S published a letter in the journal Science, calling for further investigation to determine the …

Q. Write a short note on the origin of Covid-19. How 2nd wave of covid 19 was different from the first in symptom, spread and impact? [66th BPSC: Expected question] Read More »

Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-IV

Disaster Management Introduction: The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations not only emphasize on the need to protect and conserve natural resources of the environment, but also to sustain and develop the vulnerable communities through building resilience during calamities and disasters. The Roadmap for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) provides a set of guidelines for …

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Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-III

Environmental Pollution In the pursuit for higher economic growth and human development, several externalities arise leading to potential conflict in ensuring a healthy natural environment. Given that there is a limit to extraction of the natural capital, the undue extraction of natural resources to meet the growing needs of the population, industries, and other economic …

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Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-II

Forest Resources The forests play a key role in maintaining ecological stability, providing habitat to wildlife and biodiversity, regulating climate and hydrological cycles. They affect various aspects of human and animal life. In their productive role, forests provide a variety of products such as timber, firewood, and fodder, which are beneficial to humanity. They offer …

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Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-I

Environment, Climate change and Disaster management in Bihar Abstract: In the last few decades, Bihar has witnessed immense population growth, accompanied with double-digit economic growth, necessitating the increased extraction of the natural resources. Forestry and logging contributed to nearly 1.2 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) in Bihar, growing at a rate of …

Bihar: Environment, Climate change and Disaster management-I Read More »

The Revolt of 1857 was merely an mutiny. Discuss.

Q. The Revolt of 1857 was merely an mutiny. Discuss. Ans:The revolt of 1857 shook the British empire in India to it’s very foundations. It was cumulative effect of British expansionist policies, economic exploitation and administrative innovations which over the years had adversely affected the position of all sections of society- Zamindar, peasants, traders,, artisans, …

The Revolt of 1857 was merely an mutiny. Discuss. Read More »

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